FyberMotion Projects (2006-09)
FyberMotion was a collaboration between Belinda Jessup, Luch Verhelst, and Alistair Riddell.
There were two funded projects: Pergola (2006) and Restless Habitat (2009). These were funded by artsACT.
Pergola was first shown at the Canberra Contemporary Art Space in Manuka in 2006. It was later shown at the Belconnen Arts Centre (August 1st – 11th) and a design store in a Canberra suburb.

Pergola installed at the Canberra Contemporary Art Space in Manuka (2006)
Restless Habitat was first shown in February at ANCA Gallery in Dickson, ACT.

Restless Habitat II. ANU School of Art Gallery (2009)