1 Edmund Wilson

Wilson came to my attention in a book of collected essays by Christopher Hitchens titled, And Yet…the essay in question is titled, “Edmund Wilson: Literary Companion” pp163-68 originally in The Atlantic, September 2007.

17:41 Edmund Wilson – Wikipedia
17:41 Mary McCarthy (author) – Wikipedia
Mary might be a trail in her own right
17:44 312 and 314 East 53rd Street – Wikipedia
17:48 Axel’s Castle – Wikipedia
Quote…”Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930 is a 1931 book of literary criticism by Edmund Wilson on the symbolist movement in literature.”
17:49 Auguste Villiers de l’Isle-Adam – Wikipedia
Author of The Future Eve (Published 1886)
17:50 The Future Eve – Wikipedia
where the term “Android” came from.

While I was impressed with Wilson’s literary fame, as I read more about his personal life, I started to feel less comfortable with him. Why? I think because my initial attraction was through his literary prowess and stature, encountering the details of his personal life, left me feeling distracted and uneasy. I guess I didn’t need to know that, only what made him such a literary force.

I might revisit him at another time.