
Towards the year end

On reflection the year has, for the most part, been that essential mix of the interesting and the unexpected. It’s what contributes to an excitement about the next year. The past year was that combination of sustainable, sad, inspiring and fulfilling that is necessary  to look forward with a very positive outlook. And I’m saying this from the perspective of someone who reads a lot of depressing news. But it is mixed with reading and viewing material that makes me simply want to engage and observe the best of what living in the 21st century can offer. The means to do this, is of course, through the internet and in the last month I have started to reflect on the fragility of that as numerous hacks and security issues plague what is the most remarkable human structure ever created. Naturally we want to destroy it, along with our home, earth. This will be the undercurrent of sadness that sits below all human achievement from now on unless we find a way to reverse this behaviour and embrace processes of renewal and environmental awareness. 

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