
Easter Week

Apart from CSI and Studio work on the WiFi meters (which is coming along more or less successfully), reading has been taking up my time this past week.
First the technology.
All the different ESP modules order, have arrived and most have been experimented with to some degree.
The most impressive has been the ESP32 DevKit v1. This will probably be used in the final project but while it has Bluetooth connectivity, that won’t be used. In the image below it is on the right. Lots of I/O pins for external connectivity.

I’m now getting towards the design end of the project; considering the form of the project and the switches which are supposed to look retro. Haven’t settled on anything definite yet but have some ideas.

I’ve been reading Quartz, Dezeen, Wallpaper, etc. Reading Jeff’s book, Collective Social Intelligence and listening to Late Night Live on ABC Radio National.
Jim Y. and I continue to meet for lunch and a chat at Burnside on my Studio days.
Annie and I are getting psyched up for Canberra and the days are getting cooler.
So the weeks roll on.

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